Wednesday, December 23, 2015

About Films

Satya Prakash's POV

   Life is like rowing boat in trouble water.

Films  "CASTAWAY"&  " HELL IN THE PACIFIC" teach us.

One person is dashed off on unknown, strange, complete depopulated island when a young enthusiast officer's plans was crashed down. This very person stayed with secluded portion of a seas shore, murmuring with a carved human face on a football that has cast away to the seashore. He does not find alone now. History repeats itself when he knows how to lit fire. He is here from a modern human civilization where food is cooked on fire. However, on this solitary seashore, he eats fish and other things without fire. One day ,discovers and  shouts in happiness as if it is a discovery of fire. Yes, for this guy Chuk Noland,  fire is discovery on this unknown shore of pacific  ocean. He stays into caves while raining.  He fishes out and lives on and builds a bamboo boat  and rows against ferocious tides of sea water to touch a human shore for survival. Tides snatch his human friend carves on coconut. He jumps into sea and swims rapidly to catch his flowing friend away but alas ! he does not .He feels sorry for Wilsom( name of carves human head on white ball) who casts away into stream of sea. He loses his energy. He gets pounded by loneliness. His ruptured bamboo raft is flowing away .He sees a grand ship passing on through sea water and he screams out, giving hand's gesture.
Chuk Noland ( Tom Hank) is in amidst of human civilization now.
The man reaches his town in America but his world gets changed. His wife gets married to someone. They are having baby. He fulfills incomplete work of courier and he rockets out a way from crossroad for survival, chasing a young girl who states a young beautiful girl few minutes before on the cross road..
This is a awesome movie" CAST AWAY"  lessons us  to be positive and humane even in horrendous moment because life paves the way for ahead.

Another film British Film " HELL IN THE PACIFIC WAR"  is another cast away on the pacific land but there are two enemies of world war second. One is Japanese soldier and another is American pilot. They do not understand their languages. Initially, they hate to each other. Japan Army was fighting with Adolf Hitler and American Army was fighting with Unified army against Adolf Hitler. They did not have anything for livelihood. They tie each other in hatred but unconducive and death-like situation on depopulated shore of pacific ocean come closer to each other for survival. They help each other. They live with time. They make a raft of bamboo and they row it against horrifying tides. In midst of troubles in sea, raft reaches island . In their eyes , hopes of life twinkle and they are on the island, seeing, searching food, clothes , , wine, books, photos and shaving  box. American reads English but Japanese does not. One picture makes  Japanese so patriotic and inimical  to American pilot. American wants to say something and Japanese becomes so furious.   Their screams and counter screams are raising their hands against each other . Film fades out with explosion of  bomb.    This is abrupt end of film. Director John Boorman can  conclude it very well. 
However, both the films say a lot about human adventure, philosophy of life , secluded platitude and rejuvenated life emerging out from sea world. In crude and cruel opposite life situation, the leading character of film" CASTAWAY" and " HELL IN THE PACIFIC "   fight against all odds in depopulated pacific  sea. 
American Film " Hell in the Pacific" released in 1968 goes beyond the conflict of world war second and establishes a human bond between two American pilot and Japanese soldier.                                                                
Such a film inspires all of us to be positive for rowing the boat in trouble water.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

About Films
Satya Prakash's POV

Film " FURY" :- Life is always important.

( In context of Terror attack on Paris, Beirut,Mumbai & Peshawar school )

Life and its pleasure are always significant.Film "Fury" is based on second world war and it portrays pain, pathos, distress and distraught among devastated and intimidated Europeans along with the unified armies that are fighting against barbarous Hitler's Nazy army that massacred Jews in gas chambers in crores in entire Europe. Senior sergeant of unified army makes a newly recruited young army man a brave soldier, saying that life is important always even in battlefield and life can be saved by killing opponents in battlefield.The ferocious war situations along with his proceeding war tanks in Germany learns and teaches him a lot to this sensitive young soldier "Logan" .
Sergeant takes Logan to a devastated house and they meet two women.One is very young and other is around forty year old.In a short time, ladies feel that they have come to rescue them.Logan and the young beautiful girl look at each other. Sergeant tells both of them to go to the room.They go. Older lady gently goes to kitchen to make brunch.Sergeant says to old lady that they are young and alive. Let them enjoy.
Logan and Emma( young girl) are so familiar and laughing and they go for romance.They come out with delight.For the first time in the battlefield, Logan feels so happy.The feared Emma's face is also chirping with smile.
Both sergeant and Logan go down their war-tank. All of a sudden, war plane drops bomb on the building. Logan gets berserk .He runs to moving and collapsing derbies of building and finds dead body of Emma.Logan cries. Sergeant solaces him.
The film " Fury" senses the human world to pay much importance to life, not war, not terror.Humanism has progressed worldwide with composite understanding of world set-up.It should always be protected.
Paris attack, Beirut attack,Mumbai attack, Peshawar school attack etc must be denounced and all human civilizations must stand against terrorism with single motto to wipe out from the world by going into their roots.

Sometimes film becomes a torchlight to say good to world mankind. Film "Fury" presents all the grotesque and horrifying human pathos in the battlefield of second world war, suggesting as to how developed mankind of world today may be saved from war, global warming and other natural catastrophes.

Brad Pitt and other actors have oozed out their parts of acting, saying the importance of life and human world.Logan Lerman has awesomely played his role.

Great hats off to director DAVID AYER..

Thursday, November 5, 2015

About Films

Satya Prakash's POV

Film "Do Beegha Zameen" |:- Catharsis of farmers & workers of India.

Two Beegha Zameen --Land of one-third of an acre.

The film "Do Beegha Zameen" is catharsis of pathos of Indian farmers who have been thrown into metro and cosmopolitan cities as migrant labourers in cruel ways that keep disturbing and churning pain of heart of human beings.It's a regressing state of human civilization that eludes most of human beings and reduces them into subjugated persons to serve the system steered by feudo-capitalists as slaves in glistening democracy that also flashes our eyes to blink in pathetic astonishment.
Balraj Sahini transforms himself into a marginalized farmer Shambhu Mahto of one third land of one acre in his village. The landlord confiscates his land by auctioning by implicating him into false excess loan in his absence because he, his son and wife do not accumulate compounded money of landlord.
Shambhu comes back to village with wife and son but he suffers from distress and distraught to see a factory emerged on his land and house that kept his family happily together.His face gets gripped with sea amount of grief. He leans to pick up a handful soil from his land but security guard prevents him from picking up.
The most famous and respected film director Bimal Roy has depicted India's cruel feudal system that tries to relate themselves to the industrialization through evil tools of confiscation of land of marginalized farmers. Bimal Roy's film is an epic of pathos of farmers and working class that are reduced into hell like life. Such a huge migration of poor farmers into cosmopolitan cities have sent to oblivion.
Chimney and fence on land of Shambhu Mahto are various symbols used by director Bimal Da to allegorize emerging cruel capitalism with the help of feudalism.
In 1955,Film was made but this is still pertinent.
Hats off to Bimal Roy,Balraj Sahini, Nazeer Husain,Nirupa Roy, Meena Kumari..
Note: In stead of "Land Acquisition Bill", Land ceiling Bill" and Land distribution Bill" are needed. Confiscation of confiscated Government land by Land Mafia must be used to develop India.

About Films
Satya Prakash's POV

फिल्म " दो बीघा ज़मीन"- : : भारत के किसानों व मज़दूरों की वास्तविक तस्वीर

बहुत पहले एक फिल्म आयी थी और फिल्म का नाम है " दो बीघा ज़मीन"! बहुत ही मार्मिक और दिल को मथने वाली घटनाओं से गरीब किसान का परिवार गुज़रता है ! संवेदनशील व्यक्ति इस फिल्म के कथानक से यूँ जुड़ता है कि भारत में उदय होता नया गठजोड़ सामंत-पूँजीवाद की भयानक क्रूरता से आवाक रह जाता है !
छोटे-छोटे किसानो की ज़मीन हड़प कर किसान को भूमिहीन, बेघर और शहर की तरफ भगा देता था ! सामजिक-आर्थिक स्थितियों की वजह से मज़बूर होकर शहर जाकर रिक्शा चलाता है ! बूढ़ा बाप पागल हो जाता है ! पत्नी शहर आ जाती है ! बेटा शु-पुलिस करता है ! गावं में उसकी ज़मीन को नीलामी की प्रक्रिया में डालकर ज़मींदार खरीद लेता है और उसपर कारखाना बन जाता है !
शम्भू महतो परिवार के साथ गावं जब आता है तो वहां न उसे अपना घर दीखता है और न ज़मीन ! अवसाद और दर्द से कराहता अपनी ज़मीन की एक मुठ्ठी मिट्टी नहीं मिल पाता है, सिक्योरिटी गॉर्ड उसे भगा देता है ! शम्भू महतो अपने परिवार के साथ महानगर की त्रासद जीवन जीने महानगर की भीड़ में खो जाता है !
ऐसे करोड़ों शम्भू महतो देश के दूसरे प्रांतों से अपनी ज़मीन और घर से बेघर होकर महानगरों में मज़दूर बन कर जी रहे हैं, मर रहे हैं और उनकी ज़मीने कुछ लोगों के पास चली जाती है !
बलराज साहनी के अभिनय में वो कशिश है कि आप रो पड़ेंगे !निरुपा रॉय , मीना कुमारी ,नज़ीर हुसैन आदि ने मर्म-स्पर्शी अभिनय किया है !
महान निर्देशक बिमल रॉय ने भारतीय कृषक समाज की ट्रैजेडी को कथार्सिसि तकनीकी से परदे पर सफलता पूर्वक प्रस्तुत किया है !
१९५५ में बनी ये फिल्म आज के भारत कि भी तस्वीर पेश करती है ! निर्देशक बिमल दा,अभिनेता बलराज साहनी,नाज़िर हुसैन , अभिनेत्री मीना कुमारी , निरुपा रॉय को सल्लम के साथ -साथ श्रद्धांजलि !
नोट : इस देश में "भूमि अधिग्रहण क़ानून" से ज़्यादा ज़रुरत भूमि आवंटन क़ानून " की ज़रुरत है ! भू-माफिया से ज़ब्त सरकारी ज़मीनों को लेकर उनपर विकास का काम करने की ज़रुरत है !

Monday, October 26, 2015

About Film

Satya Prakash's POV'

गीता दो देशों के बीच का सांस्कृतिक प्रतीक है :
सरकार,ईडी फाउंडेशन, फिल्म और मीडिया को बहुत बधाई
कला इंसानों और राष्ट्रों के बीच पुल का काम करती है ! फिल्म " बजरंगी भाईजान " ने १५ सालों से पाकिस्तान में रह रही भारत की बेटी गीता को वापस लाने की प्रक्रिया को तेज़ किया !गीता का अपने वतन लौटना मोदी सरकार का अभी तक का सबसे खूबसूरत कदम है और इसके लिए दोनों देशों के विदेश मंत्रालय , विदेश मंत्री सुषमा स्वराज्य , दोनों सरकारें , दोनों मुल्कों की मीडिया, पाकिस्तान की ईडी फाउंडेशन और फिल्म " बजरंगी भाईजान" के निर्देशक कबीर खान की प्रशंसा के साथ-साथ बधाई!
प्रधानमंत्री का गीता के सर पर हाथ रखकर आशीर्वाद देना भी मन को छू गया ! लगा कि वे इस देश के प्रधानमंत्री होने के साथ एक अभिभावक भी हैं !
इसीलिए कला और संस्कृति की भूमिका बहुलतावादी समाज और राष्ट्र में गहरे तौर पर व्यापक होती है ! उनकी विभिन्नता और एकता से सांस्कृतिक धरोहर का सौंदर्य और भी पुष्पित और पल्ल्वित होता रहता है ! इसीलिए ज़रूरी है कि हर तरह का साहित्य, संगीत , पेंटिंग्स , फिल्म्स आदि कलाओं की स्वतंत्र सत्ता होना चाहिए अर्थात कला-संस्कृति के स्वायत्ता पर नियंत्रण न हो !
Geeta : a cultural metaphor of two countries: 
Congratulations to Governments,Eedi Foundation,Film & Media
Art connects human-beings and nations.Film" Bajrangi Bhaijaan" has worked as an art-catalyst to intensify the process of return of India's daughter Geeta who has been living in Pakistan for fifteen years under empathetic care of Eedi Foundation.This is , of course, a appreciative step of both governments.
I admire and congratulate for this Samaritan act of Governments,Foreign Ministers,Media of both countries, Foundation and director Kabir Khan of film " Bajrangi Bhaijaan."
Geeta blessed by Prime Minister by putting his hand on her head has swiveled my heart and I found him as a guardian too
Therefore the role of art and culture profoundly influence society and nation, that enlivens the beauty of diversities that bridge various thoughts and culture in pluralistic society that is the great strength of cultural ethos.Therefore, it is obvious to encourage a free entity of various literature,music, paintings, films and other forms art that must progress boundlessly in autonomous atmosphere.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

About Film

Satya Prakash's POV

Oozing acting from kids is always natural, chaste. Various cameras must installed for capturing various emotions of kids.Placing kid before a camera is an act of challenge. Kids more than one placed before camera may be non-uniform. Directors and entire team must behave like children to get acting from kids.

 I have seen a tvc for Johnson-Suraj Films International.All the rehearsal for kids during pre-production  do not work before camera.

The kids between one and three years are difficult before camera as far as acting of kids  is concerned.

Involuntary actions are always expected from kids.  I have thought of studying the child's mentality. Possibly acting performance from kids would be easier.
Kid's world is always a world of innocence.  

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

About Film

Satya Prakash's POV

निर्दैशक गौतम घोष की फिल्म " पार" और हमारा समाज

गौतम घोष की बहुचर्चित फिल्म " पार" १९८४ में बानी थी , जो भारतीय समाज की दुर्दांत सामाजिक-राजनीतिक व्यवस्था पर प्रहार करती है ! स्कूल शिक्षक अनिल चटर्जी की हत्या बिहार के ज़मींदार का गुंडा कर देता है! शिक्षक गावं के लिए एक उदार और प्रगतिशील शख्स था ! नौरंगिया एक गरीब आदमी है जो ज़मींदार के अत्याचार का विरोध करता है और वो उसके भाई की हत्या कर अपनी पत्नी रमा के साथ क़ानून से भागता रहता है और कोलकता जाकर सांस लेता है लेकिन न नौकरी और न घर ! गर्भवती रमा परेशान है ! अंत में , उसे एक नौकरी मिलती है कि सूअरों के झुण्ड को एक जगह से दूसरी जगह ले जाना ! इस यात्रा में एक नदी भी है और तेज़ झमाझम बरसात ! नदी की तेज़ धरा , तूफानी वारिस और जीवन के ताने-बाने ! सूअरों को नदी पार कराने और जीवन को आगे बढ़ाने में रमा अपनी गर्भ भी खो बैठती है !
पूरी फिल्म में नशीरूदीन शाह( नौरंगिया) . शबाना आज़मी ( रमा) और उत्पल दत्त ने अद्भुत अभिनय किया है !

स्वर्गीय पत्रकार सुरेन्द्र प्रताप सिंह भी इस फिल्म कि कहानी से जुड़े थे ! गौतम दा का निर्देशन भी विलक्षण है !

इस फिल्म में जो कहानी है , क्या उससे अलग हमारा समाज है ? १९८४ की फिल्म है तो समाज बदला है , शोषण के तरीके बदले हैं , बिहार में कुछ नए ज़मींदार भी बने हैं ! क्या फिल्म में विचारधारा के नहीं होने से फिल्म एकांगी हो जाती है ? क्या बड़े स्टारों की फिल्म में भी तो नायक खलनायक को पीटता है तो क्या उसमें विचारधारा नहीं होती या समस्या को बहुत ही सस्ते ढंग से सरलीकृत कर दिया जाता है ?

Saturday, October 3, 2015

About Film

Satya Prakash's POV

Film & Ideology 

Cinema in terms of Art and Aesthetic seeks ideological contemplation for engrave a particular society of world in tune of its contemporary and historical position. Society has a series of contrasting ideological moorings which produce  many upheavals in its development.

 Italian film maker Fedrico Felini's say of movie is

" The picture that moves is called movie".    

 What sort of picture moves in movie, brings back the question of ideological mooring of movie. What sort of pace of movement of picture,brings back the question of technological as well as ideological mooring of movie. A character in film raises a series of questions about his/her association with various aspects of society like caste, class, clan, elitism , aristocracy, serfdom, feudalism, feudal monarch , monarchism, democracy, socialist democracy, capitalism, capitalist democracy, dictatorship, social democracy and other various social-economic-political philosophies that affect human lives to live in their sorts of ideological mooring. In such a wave of thoughts and dialectic situations , film making or film can not be kept isolated from churning of society. In these whirls of social churning, writers catch the story of human lives of all shades.Romance, love, separation , crime, ferociousness of rulers and Samaritan sorts of rulers become the parts of story that has spread like a novel into a script for film. Technically, script is moving in a series of logical progression from fade  in  to  fade out. How the film makers use the technical know- how in the film, raises a series of ideological muse. So film goes ahead with thoughts that attack upon another existing thoughts that come into agitation and collision.Should a film go ahead with a story line that has mindless action and hilarity in terms of exploitation of woman's body to lure the male's erotica ? But is it isolated from a particular " point of view"? This is also a prejudice opinion of male gender to satisfy female as commodity. This film is ideologically against woman as human-being.

Few films have been placed as examples to    

The recent movie " Masaan" unfolds many layers of Indian society. A voluntary love between two young boy and girl mesh up the life of a boy with his forced end in a hotel's room. This film exposes the police atrocity on a retired and respected teacher and his young daughter.This film says of love between untouchable boy and girl from upper caste.After stating his social untouchability in social order of India ,educated engineering state suffers from the dense state of distress and distraught without taking sleep in night.The girl accepts the boy, confessing that her family will never accept him but she is ready to go with him.However, this love story ends up before arrival of social storm in Benaras( Holy city of Inda) because the young and courageous girl departs from this world in a pathetic bus accident.Both the love stories have lost their respective counterparts. They come to another Holy city of India: Allahabad for their job and further study.They meet at the bank of Sangam ( meeting of three holy rivers Ganges ,Yamuna and Sarswati in myth).Film fades out with sowing a new love story between untouchable boy and pious Brahmin girl.

The movie " Pyaasa" unveils the seemingly- looking-harmonious - Indian society that is nothing but inhumane greed that puts love in triangular conflict along with nudity of human relation in a state of highest degree of popularity of a poet.Social status emerging from power of money  dominantly becomes a cause of assassination of ethics, love and human relations. 

Director Rakesh Roshan's mega budget film " Karan Arjun" is a revenge movie in successive two births of two brothers Karan and Arjun as protagonists.This film screens out the grotesque face of a man who kills his own brother-in-law and his two maternal nephews, strengthening the meta physique theory of existence of God, rebirth and physical entity as world created by God.So the film " Karan Arjun" exposes despotic cruelty of human, establishing invisible power of God and that is ideology in the film.

The film "O MY GOD" progresses with the assumption of  "World without God" but film fades out with strong assumption  of  "World with God". However, the leading male character inflicts attack upon dogma and superstition ,donation  borne out  off  religious practice of God in temples.Character sues God,making film interesting. Thought works here obviously in safe guard  of existence of God who runs human world.

The recent controversial film " PK" goes against God and their false incarnations, dogma, superstitions and religious bigotry of all religions of the world that are invented and created by men. The protagonist says that the people do not worship the real God and that's why ,their prayers do not work.He says that this is wrong number. Above all, this is a reformist film that says of  impious  religion that  is impediment  of  progress of society. God and religion must be there on  right track.

Bollywood was influenced with noir cinema of France and it has a series of films that reflect social and political churnings like " Paar","Ankush" Ardh-satya,Jaane Bhi Do Yaaro etc.

Therefore, film cannot be kept away from social upheaval and churning. Film is made male-centric or woman-centric or for working class, for bourgeoisie class or for dominant Indian caste for vice versa. 
These challenge to easy generalization raise significant questions about ideological determinations and aesthetic value. They cast doubt on the notion that any film, however Romantic or innovative or radical, must produce certain influence at another., more controlling level that may provoke others..They also help  to remind us  that art gets lost in the rush to theory. This menace  is deep-rooted in mind of film makers. And this is the challenge posed before them  to entertain the audiences with provocation. So, content must travel with life without compromise with immense passion to the script, film makers transcends the ideology of writer through  their film making commitment.

Generally and traditionally, film critics regard the influence of a text ( script) as dependent on  its distinctive qualities. When this influence is cast in terms of "Textual System", as Metz calls it, "tension may well remain between textual analysis and general theory or between ideology as a function of an overarching system or apparatus   and as a function of a specific textual instance".

The literary critique Terry Ellington does not convince himself, declaring sharply that art must avoid ideology because the ideology prevents the flow of art from being nourished with various ways of thinking. Ideology is like a forward walking of eye-fenced horse that pulls cart on the road .The horse is compelled to see ahead on the road because of side- covered fence on its eyes. Terry's example is right in case of animal world. Film makers are not slaves like animals.Art makers and film makers are the part and parcel of production, evolution and development of society or they are revolutionary to change the society through their arts.

"Art is for art" is an ideology that makes human society inert and fatigue that make the entire society detrimental to change. Such art or cinema serves the capitalists who pump huge money into film making business.

Therefore, thought and ideas work to shape the film with sense of imagination. Greater the thought, greater would be imagination and vice versa. So the art and cinema would be greater and realistic to shape the society in a creative and intellectual way.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

About Film

Satya Prakash's POV

Medically& aesthetically stunning movie “The Curious case of Benjamin”
-  Reverse life cycle

The movie “The curious case of Benjamin Button” is a mind-blowing as well as mind-boggling film and has stunned me over and again because of a case of reverse ageing of a man called Benjamin Button, based upon a short story by the same name by American novelist and film writer Eric Rothand Robin Swicord.
The Benjamin Button isplayed by Hollywood super star Brad Pitt and his love interest by Cate Blanchett. But one more female character mama ( mother) will fascinate you and she is Taraji P. Henson oozes her motherly care for a newly born boy Benjamin who looks so ugly, so old that no one can think of bringing up because his own father abandons him and leaves on the porch of a nursing home where this unfortunate boy Benjamin finds his mama who announces in nursing house that she will care him as son.
The boy Benjamin( seven years old) looks an 80-90 years old man, sitting with old men and old women of Nursing home.As he grows, his skin tone is changing and his oldness gradually sags down and mama cares him with love and affection. Benjamin gets job on a navy boat and goes on sea-voyage with captain who asks him about his sex life with woman and Benjamin ( 50-55 years lookalike) says straight to him far he has not enjoyed sex with any woman, surprises captain and he takes him for sexual fun. During this voyage, he stays a city hotel where he meets frustrated wife of London Minister and both enjoys.Benjamin writes diary and he writes letter to his childhood friend Daisy(Cate Blanchett).
In December,1941 Japan wages war against Pearl Haror, thrusting America into second world war.Benjamin and his captain alonwith others on boat are assigned to salvage the duties but Benjamin survives and comes back to nursing home and stays with Mama.
Benjamin grows and transforms into a handsome youth and starts living with his love interest Daisy who runs a dance school after leg-fracture in a road accident.Anormal baby girl is born but Benjamin is afraid that he should not be her father because of her “REVERSE AGEING”
Benjamin sells his father’s property and gives it to Daisy and his daughter Caroline who is reading his father’s diary in front of her dying mother in a hospital and Caroline is stunned to know that she is a daughter of Mr. Benjamin who lives alone with his diary in an abandoned house .A social worker takes child Benjamin( 12-13 years) to his mama’s nursing home where he is recognized by old lady Daisy only when Benjamin plays Piano.
After few years,Benjamin transforms a baby boy who is in the lap of Daisy who is his wife. Daisy sees Benjamin’s last eye-lid to close.
Daisy tells the further life of Benjamin to her daughter Caroline in hospital and she also dies.
The film is aesthetically made and all human emotions are dabbling and film has received three Oscar awards.
Note : 1.This is a unique film based upon Reverse ageing. My curiosity is to know if it really happens. My medical doctor or any one who is aware of medical science, can quench my thrust of it. Or is it an act of fiction?
2.The film progresses with real changes in body with age and it does not involve any supernatural power.
3.The sequence of 8 images suggests the case of reverse ageing of Benjamin.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

About Film

Satyaprakash's POV

Film : PASSION OF "PHANTOM" raises and drops you.

Movie "Phantom" has followed Hollywood treatment of film making that Hollywood will save America by penetrating into any country as American state did in case of terrorist Obama Bin Laden who was enjoying his life with wife in Pakistan. Therefore ,Hollywood films are reflection of aggression of American State. Bollywood film "Phantom" gives the same colour .

First Bollywood film " Phantom" has been made in American cities and making has given the impression that Producer of Bollywood has gut to invest money to make a slick and awesome movie.
High tech action drama and blown off the residential place of Pakistani detective officials in America, entry into a jail by high action drama of traffic fault, interaction between male and female protagonists state that director Kabir Khan is highly convinced with story and way of making the film.

The "phantom" sort of adventure creates drama but it does not satisfy the person who believes in logic. However nationalist fervor  may have touched the sky when the hero of the film may have killed Hadley in America,Hafiz Saeed,  Zaki-ur Rehman Lakhvi and Sajid Mir.So jingoism works in either side of fence.

 The entire film is the fictional enactment of killing these four masterminds behind Mumbai Blast and around. Obviously, many a person will differ from the point of views of film maker Kabir Khan and Sajid Nadiadwala  but they have proved  their patriotism to their country India.

As a film maker, Kabir Khan have attained glorifying height by making a cross-cultural film " Bajarangi Bhaijan". Kabir Khan has received  accolades from many corners of world. This film has created an euphoria between the people of two countries to live together. 

Kabir's next consecutive movie "Phantom" has antagonized Government of Pakistan and common  people  of Pakistan is also not quite happy with its portrayal in the film.

Film goes gusto when Hafiz Saeed and Zaki-ur-Rahman Lakhvi are being fictionalized to kill, does not provide logic to the mind of audiences.  Hadley,Hafiz Saeed and Lakhvi are still alive.When living fact is perished out,jerk appears.Film "Phantom" has jerk and that is a big point to propel audiences away from Box office..

The movie "D Day" progresses very well but in few scens, progression is haltered by heroic deed of Irrfan Khan  who drags India's most wanted criminal Dawood Ibrahim.

Movie " Phantom" has slick location of Newyork, war-infested-Syria and well-crafted location of Lahore and other interior of Pakistan and music will keep audience engaged. 
One can see this movie once to judge its casting, story and  location .

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

About film

 Satya Prakash's POV

Do not attack on A R RAHMAN & director Majid Majidi                                                                                                                                                                                                                  It seems that it is the season of fatwa or ban.                                                                      

Iranian film maker MajId Majidi had invited A R RAHMAN to compose music for his film " MUHAMMAD : The messenger of God" and Oscar awarded composer had created awesome music for film. The film is being screened at Premiere in Iran and theatre was packed with audiences and critiques. Film was well received accolades and appreciation in Iran that has Muslims in plenty in its population.                                                                 

 Film is about Muslim's incarnated person Mohmmad.                                                            

But there is hue and cry in Mumbai by a Muslim cleric who has threatened A R RAHMAN to extend his apology and promised us not to repeat the same of composing the music for such film on Muhhamad. Filming and singing are sin in Islam and Rahman has committed sin. 

The cleric is associated with Raza Academy that has cast communal impression on art and culture. Great Rahman has tweeted that he has imparted great service to Khuda ( God) by composing music. It is awe-stunning too that this very cleric did not spare the world famous film maker Majid Majidi who is enjoying appreciation of the followers of Iranian Muslim but he was inflicted a charge with " Mockery of Islam" by making film on Muhmmad.How the film can harm reputation of Incarnated Muhmmad when the film is being screened in pleasant atmosphere in theater. 

 In South India, the great cine artist Rajnikaant was also communally threatened by right wing politics not to act as Tipu Sultan in a film that is being planned to make.Reason has been surfaced by Right wing outfit that Tipu Sultan was Muslim ruler who fought against British rulers. Tipu Sultan is an Indian icon of history. 

 This is nothing but religious bigotry to control the choice of expressing views, thought and art on the part of extremist Hindu group who had recently killed a writer and professor M M KULBURGI whose voice was the voice of dissent , whose voice is the voice against religious bigotry and social superstition. As Sanatan Dharm supported by saffron politics of country had murdered leftist -writer and leader Comrade Govind Pansare and before that in Maharashtra, the social activist against religious dogma was killed. He was great doctor Narendra Dhabolkar. The present government has a series of bans on beef, chicken and mutton. The dissent of voice must be raised high otherwise the communal bigotry of Hindu, Muslim and other religions will be killing one after another person who wish to speak truth. Art, Cinema,l music ,literature , paintings and other forms of art will be died down if art -lovers do not voice against religious lumpens.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

FTII PUNE :Preaching & listening get replaced by reasoning and questioning at higher education

About Film

Satya Prakash's  POV

FTII PUNE :Preaching & listening get replaced by reasoning and questioning at higher education 

Down with brutal beating of Students of Film & Television Institute of India, Pune. 

The same logic of RSS Pracharak and Hindu Religious Guru about Radhey Maa does not work on FTII'S Chairman Gajendra Singh who is not the face of Indian Cinema. Mr.Gajendra Singh must be asked about the film of great film maker Satyajeet Ray, Adoor Gopal Krishanan, Bimal Da etc  and famous literatures of this country. As he confessed that he is known to Indian Cinema. So obvious it is that he is oblivious of world Cienma, Art and Literature. 
Many a cine phil has doubt about his understanding with Indian Cinema.

Radhey Maa and Mr.Gajendra Singh have been seen in a photograph too, justifies that their understanding about film and religion respectively are the same. So  one is loveable and other is hatred.

 They proclaim that Radhey MAA  does not know the depth of religious books. She can not become Mahamandleshwar and she was sacked down from the designate of Mahamandleshwar by Niranjan Akhada. If she is not up to mark,how Mr. Gajendra Singh can be ? This is the double faces of Government and RSS who take side of Mr.Gajendra to the extent of brutal beating of FTII students and oppose Radhey Maa because she dances in modern aprons, she is lifted in the lap of men and she infringes the line of being goddess. What are the criteria of being Goddess and Godman ? RSS keeps caressing these Guru and Gura mata through the various religion outfits.

 Few of cine artists like Mr.Anupam Kher who has taken U-TURN as far as support of FTII student's demand of replacing the director is concerned. Anumpam Kher alleges that it is now political, being supported by various political parties and leaders from various political formations flock to them. 

Is the appointment of BJP member and RSS supporter Mr.Gajendra Singh to the designation of director of Film &Telivision Institute of international repute is not political ? 

Why does not Government  apply the same yardstick for both Mr.Gajendra Singh and Radhey Maa ?  

Another baseless point  has been raised from the beginning of agitation of the students of institute that students have to study in the institute whosoever the director or principal is posted in there.

If so it is , do incompetent teachers and principal  run the India's famous school like DPS, Reliance School, Ryan School, Poddar School of Mumbai etc, the parents will put their children with heavy investment in the same school ? Many rich parents send their sons and daughters to foreign educational institutes with the investment of thosands of dollars but if the reputation is dented, what happens ? Answer is so obvious in negation. FTII is an institute where graduate , art-lover students take admission with their parent's investment that is higher than other technical institutes of country. 

The students of FTII are more sensitive.They are so exposed to various societies of world, their social, historical, economical and political churning and that's why, their world view is tremendous, chiselled, intervening and beautiful.  They create an aesthetic bridge that connect them to the art, cinema and literature of world. In the world of higher education, the students of art and cinema can not be administered by the primary school's mandatory ethics.The gospeling and listening get replaced by reasoning and questioning that is not being appreciated by the present saffron regime.   

The picketing of Director implies that the students want to interact with the concerned persons of Institute and the Government at New Delhi. Instead of creation of communication bridge, the government orders the police to thrash the democratic demonstrators of FTII. All the art-lovers, cine-lovers, students from all corners and democratic-loving persons of this country must  go ahead to support the demand of students who have been fighting for more than sixty days to beautify the institute with theoretical, empirical and democratic knowledge that will take the Indian Cinema to a stage of churning at world cine-platform.

This long and consistent protest of FTII students have infinite strong fission power that may create the agitation of students and youths against Modi Government in India ?         

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

About Film

Satya Prakash’s POV

Film “ MASAAN” is a brilliant piece of art.

Film “MASAAN” hovers two love stories simultaneously in parallel to each other in an Indian City Banaras. The two love stories are not connected at all. Each story has its own characters and they play with progression. Parallel converges to infinite horizon but these two love stories of young boys and girls meet at the Bank of SANGAM ( ALLAHABAD) when they lose their counterparts in untimely accident.
The Screen play of the film is logically and brilliantly written. The progression of both the stories have been caressed and crafted with emotions of love, affection, anger, fear, aesthetics etc.

The film “MASAAN” is showcase of catharsis of collective  deprived public of Indian Society.

One of the love story is devastating because of cruel moral policing of  Feudal city of Banaras that has several impediments among the normal lives of citizens. The moral policing of SHO has compelled the lover boy to commit suicide and mms of one the love-lady makes her life hell along with her father who is now retired teacher, earning money from religious worshipping at death funeral. Richa Chaddha has enlivened the character who feels entrapped from one job to another.Police has almost paralysed the life of Mr.Pathak ( father of Richa Chaddha) who keeps earning his prestige from Lumpen SHO .

The second love story ends with the end up of life girl whose bus meets a horrendous accident. The upper caste girl and a outcaste engineering student love to each other. When girl comes to know of her love-boy’s belonging to the heinous outcaste whose men involve burning the corpse. It’s a bizarre  in  contemporary social and political structure of India. The boy manifests the reality and moves away with brooding. The boy’s faded life  gets bloomed when he gets encouraging call from the girl. She suggests him to get the job and further adds that may be, she may flee with him. The boy starts jumping in joy.He gets handsome job in Allahabad but his lovy-dovy is no more. He gets awe-stunned to see Shalu ( beloved girl) as corpse at his funeral bank of Ganga river in Banaras.

The protagonist of first love story takes admission in Allahabad for further education. She goes to the bank of Sangam( it’s a myth that three rivers Ganga, Yamuna and Sarswati meet here) where the male protagonist of second story is sitting. The girl is crying in a state of gloom, seeing the flowing waves of river.The boy extends a bottle of water. She feels solaced. Both step into a boat that ferry  by taking money.

The girl of first love-story and boy of second love-story converge at Sangam where three rivers converge and moves a head as Ganga.

The both the stories have grey area of feudo-capitalist society where high-tech digital world and heinous political arrangement with caste system  go ahead simultaneously that keeps putting big stones on the path of social development.

The film “ MASAAN” is a allegory of heinous social and political order of country  that has made human life as burning life till the death.

The film travels from pessimism to optimism at the fade-out of the film.

Director Neeraj Ghaywan is an intelligent writer-director who portrays Indian society in two ways that India is still a crude feudal society where Police acts as landlord or powerful person and secondly that India is caste-ridden society that creates ferocious situation before two love-birds.

The metro audiences are  also watching the movie “ MASAAN” amidst two mega budgeted films “BAHUBALI: A Beginning “ and “BAJARANGI BHAIJAAN” . Another big budgeted film “DRISHAYAM” has pounded this film too but audiences have begun walking theatre for this film. The distributers must increase the number of theatres across Globe.

Richa Chaddha , Sweta Tripathi Sanjay Mishra and Vicky Kaushal  have stunned the audiences with their performance.
Indian Ocean’s music is awesome.
I salute the director Mr. Neeraj Ghaywan for his excellence movie “Massan”

Film makers must make such  films like MASAAN that stir the dormant thoughts into fire.

Friday, August 7, 2015

About a Film

About Film 

Satya Prakash's POV 

Sulemani Keeda: An awesome “OUT OF BOX” film & a must-

The film “ SULEMANI KEEDA” is a very striking and intervening film in year 2014 that has amazed the Cine-lovers who keep seeking good cinema to see. The Film is made with hopping amount like Rupees Ten Crores to Hundred Crores but Audiences eftertain themselves with star actions, kisses and songs.
This movie does not have stars, scintillating erotic scenes and dances because there is no money for these all producer has. These shows, film can be made with good story. This film is , of course, an out of box film that is being sought by a Gonzo Kapoor who wants to be hero but his well established producer-father Sweety Kapoor has tracked him down the commercial formula film of Bollywood.
The film is a great satire on the scripts of the commercial films.
The director has cast all the new faces but as real characters as writer Mahesh Bhat, as director Anil Sharma, as a heroine Amrita Rao will stun the audiences. The great director Shekhar Kapoor has praised of this film a lot.
Publicity seeks a lot of money ( Crores) so this film does not have promo on TV, on Hoardings, on walls and even Radio does not say anything of this Film and this film does not get theatres in all India. PVR-Cinemax chain has released this film “ONE SHOW / A DAY” and it seems that this very releasing house has shown its sympathy to this film. Despite, Audiences admires the film and mouth publicity has tremendously worked .
The film does not have story but film progresses from fade-in to fade-out with experienced moments of two aspiring writers in Bollywood. The writer-director Amit Masurkar has summed the grey part of Film making in an intelligent way. Screenplay, dialogue and Back ground music are really placed in the film as an”OUT OF BOX” that is the USP of the film.
This film “SULEMANI Keeda” warns Bollywood producers who create brouhaha after the defeat of the film at BOX OFFICE. The film is an art-formation created technically with huge amount of investment.
This film will encourage the young film makers, writers, artists and other cine-professionals to make such low-budgeted film with extraordinary contents that will scintillate audiences with healthy entertainment.

The film “Sulemani Keeda” is a film for those who aspire to be the part of Cinema profession, creating a great hope for dying struggle in the field of Cinema.Phoenix rises from ashes. A-must-watch film !

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

About Film

Satya Prakash's pov

Who is the Bajarangi Bhaijaan for Indian Geeta, living in Pakistan. ?


The great philosopher Pluto , once, said that Art is an imitation. Of course, art is an imitation of life that beautifies the world. Art plays the vital role to influence the humankind across the border of nations.

The film “ Bajarangi Bhai Jaan” is a great example of art that has given a great hope to a girl named Geeta who crossed the Indian and Pakistan border twelve years back . She is dumb  and that stuns the people across the border , who have seen the movie “Bajrangi Bhaijaan” in which a six year old dumb girl Munni( Shahida) gets lost in India while returning to Pakistan. But a sensitive youngman  Bajrangi Bhaijaan takes the girl to Pakistan. Surprisingly with bizarre awe , Bajarangi has been brought up in a typical bigot Hindu conservative family that follows the ideology of Hindu Rashtra led by RSS ( RAASHTRYA SWAYAMSEVAK SANGH).However, innocence of the girl and meekness determination of Bajrangi work together that transcends the border and all religious fanaticism that has built the persona of Bajarangi. Bajarangi crushes all hurdles and reach Pakistan with six year old girl. .

Just after the release of the film Bajarangi Bhaijaan”, the lost “ Indian Dumb Geeta” has come to light of the human world that has stirred the intelgisia and Government of India to take this girl to India for her parental affection. Geeta is now grown up and she wants to meet her parent In India. She is being caressed by a Muslim lady who takes her to Pakistani Hindu family on the occasion of various festivals like Diwali, Holi and others.The lady and a journalist have raised Geeta’s case with Indian Consulate in Pakistan in many times but all efforts have, so far, gone in vain.

Who will be Bajarangi Bhaijaan for this lost and dumb Indian girl Geeta ? Art indicates  and inspires the people , organisations and the head of the nations. Therefore, we will see how two nations work good for Geeta. Her parent must approach PAK Consulate in New Delhi through Government of India.

In case of Geeta, we can say that life imitates art. Therefore, Film  is a powerful art to communicate the musing, make human chord sensitive to do good for human society. Therefore, Cinema should not be muzzled because it opens the various paths for lives.