Wednesday, November 18, 2015

About Films
Satya Prakash's POV

Film " FURY" :- Life is always important.

( In context of Terror attack on Paris, Beirut,Mumbai & Peshawar school )

Life and its pleasure are always significant.Film "Fury" is based on second world war and it portrays pain, pathos, distress and distraught among devastated and intimidated Europeans along with the unified armies that are fighting against barbarous Hitler's Nazy army that massacred Jews in gas chambers in crores in entire Europe. Senior sergeant of unified army makes a newly recruited young army man a brave soldier, saying that life is important always even in battlefield and life can be saved by killing opponents in battlefield.The ferocious war situations along with his proceeding war tanks in Germany learns and teaches him a lot to this sensitive young soldier "Logan" .
Sergeant takes Logan to a devastated house and they meet two women.One is very young and other is around forty year old.In a short time, ladies feel that they have come to rescue them.Logan and the young beautiful girl look at each other. Sergeant tells both of them to go to the room.They go. Older lady gently goes to kitchen to make brunch.Sergeant says to old lady that they are young and alive. Let them enjoy.
Logan and Emma( young girl) are so familiar and laughing and they go for romance.They come out with delight.For the first time in the battlefield, Logan feels so happy.The feared Emma's face is also chirping with smile.
Both sergeant and Logan go down their war-tank. All of a sudden, war plane drops bomb on the building. Logan gets berserk .He runs to moving and collapsing derbies of building and finds dead body of Emma.Logan cries. Sergeant solaces him.
The film " Fury" senses the human world to pay much importance to life, not war, not terror.Humanism has progressed worldwide with composite understanding of world set-up.It should always be protected.
Paris attack, Beirut attack,Mumbai attack, Peshawar school attack etc must be denounced and all human civilizations must stand against terrorism with single motto to wipe out from the world by going into their roots.

Sometimes film becomes a torchlight to say good to world mankind. Film "Fury" presents all the grotesque and horrifying human pathos in the battlefield of second world war, suggesting as to how developed mankind of world today may be saved from war, global warming and other natural catastrophes.

Brad Pitt and other actors have oozed out their parts of acting, saying the importance of life and human world.Logan Lerman has awesomely played his role.

Great hats off to director DAVID AYER..

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