Wednesday, July 29, 2015

About Film : Bajarangi Bhaijan-why Babu Bajrangi reduced to a villain in real world

About Film

Satya Prakash's POV

" फिल्म बजरंगी भाईजान : - वास्तविक दुनिया का बाबू  बजरंगी  खलनायक क्यों बन गया ? 

बॉलीवुड की  हिंदी फिल्मों में कुछ अच्छी फ़िल्में बहुत बड़ी बात कह जाती  है ! सलमान की बॉक्स ऑफिस पर हिट फिल्म " बजरंगी भाईजान " दो मुल्कों की भोली- भाली जनता और उनकी एक-दूसरे के लिए मोहब्बत का एक खूबसूरत नमूना है ! " मामू  ,मामू की आवाज़ सरहद  और कश्मीर घाटी में गूँज उठती है ! बच्ची शहीदा और बजरंगी भाई का मिलाप सारी राजनीतिक और धार्मिक नफरतों को ख़त्म करती है और दोनों देशों की सरकारों और सियासतों को  एक खूबसूरत सलाह फिल्म देती है !  गूंजती फ़िज़ाओं की आवाज़ एक  प्रतीक है और कहती है कि इन नफरत की दीवारों को ख़त्म कर दो !दोनों मुल्कों की जनता उस बच्ची की निर्मल, निश्छल और निर्दोष आवाज़ की तरह  ही  हैं लेकिन दोनों  मुक्कों  के छद्म-राष्ट्रवाद इन्हें  भड़काता रहता है ! आतंकवाद जन्म लेकर हज़ारों इंसानों की हत्या करता है ! इस फिल्म के भीतर दोनों मुल्कों की जनता, अपनी ख़बरों को बेचने वाला असफल पत्रकार चाँद नवाव और सरहद पर खड़ा फौजी दोनों मुल्कों के बीच खूबसूरत पुल का निर्माण करते हैं ! गूंगी शहीदा के गले से अचानक फूटती  आवाज़ दोनों मुल्कों की बेचैन और मुखर आवाज़ है !

  बजरंगी भाईजान हनुमानभक्त है , धार्मिक है , शाकाहारी है लेकिन छ साला बच्ची मुन्नी ( बाद में पता चला ये तो शहीदा है ) को बजरंगी और उसकी प्रेमिका ( करीना कपूर)  एक होटल में चिकन खिलाते हैं ! बजरंगी के धार्मिक पूर्वाग्रह धीरे-धीरे ख़त्म होते हैं और वो गंगा-यमुना तहजीव का प्रतीक बन जाता है ! वो धार्मिक ज़रूर है लेकिन मासूम इंसान है ! मुन्नी ( शहीदा) उसे पाकिस्तान भेजने के क्रम में जिस्मफरोशी के बाज़ार में पंहुचा दी गयी मुन्नी को अपनी जान पर खेलकर वापस लाता है  और  बिना पासपोर्ट और वीज़ा के पाकिस्तान पहुंच जाता है ! बजरंगी भाई जान एक खूबसूरत इंसान के रूप में उभर कर सारे धार्मिक -पूर्वग्रह से ऊपर उठकर एक महानायक  बन जाता है ! कभी-कभी लगता है कि हमारी वास्तविक दुनिया का बाबू  बजरंगी  खलनायक क्यों बन गया ? 

पिछले  साल २०१४ में एक छोटी बजट और बिना स्टार अभिनेता की फिल्म " फिल्मिस्तान" आयी थी जो सरहद के नज़दीकी गावं में रहने वाले पाकिस्तानी ग्रामीण की हिन्दुस्त्तानियों के लिए मोहब्बत दिखाती है ! दोनों मुल्कों के अवाम एक तरह से ही सोचते हैं , एक तरह का खाना कहते हैं , एक तरह की फ़िल्में देखते हैं ! उस पाकिस्तानी गावं  की  रहने वाले बॉलीवुड की फ़िल्में देखते हैं और खूब देखते हैं !  इस फिल्म को दर्शकों ने सराहा लेकिन हिन्दुस्तान के बहुत बड़े दर्शक इस फिल्म को इसीलिए ज़्यादा देख नहीं पाये क्योंकि मुश्किल से कुछ थिएटर में ही इसे लगाया गया था !

फिल्म सम्प्रेषण का सशक्त और बड़ा माध्यम है , इसे भी नियंत्रण करने की कोशिश बरसों से हो रही है !   कुछ महीनों से फिल्म -सेंसर बोर्ड का हस्तक्षेप फिल्मों के प्रदर्शन पर बढ़ा है जो अच्छी बात नहीं है !

दुनिया के किसी भी देश में फिल्म का दर्शक होता है जो बनते होते हैं ! फिल्म एक बड़े व्यवसाय को पैदा किया है और इसमें भरी रकम लगती है और भाड़ी रकम का मुनाफा होता है ! इसीलिए फिल्म अब पूँजी का खेल ज़्यादा हो गया है और फिल्मों में लगी रकम कि वापसी निर्माता चाहता है , इसीलिए  उनके हिसाब से  मसाला फ़िल्में बनती हैं और दर्शक उनके लिए धीरे-धीरे बनते चले जाते हैं या यूँ कहें कि  धीरे-धीरे दर्शकों का एक बड़ा  हिस्सा मानसिक रूप से इन फिल्मों को देखने के लिए तैयार हो जाता है !
   फिल्मों में कॉर्पोरेट के आते ही इसने मल्टीप्लेक्स का निर्माण कर अपने लिए  अमीर -दर्शक भी  पैदा  कर लिया है जिन्हें ढाई घंटे का मनोरंजन चाहिए !

 अच्छी फिल्मों में ये दर्शक बहुत कम जाते हैं ! फिल्म "मसान " एक सशक्त कहानी पर एक अच्छी फिल्म बनी है जिसे कान फिल्म महोत्सव , फ्रांस में दो  फिल्म-पुरुस्कार मिले  है लेकिन इसे हिन्दुस्तान में बहुत कम थिएटर मिले  है और छोटी तथा स्टार न होने का भी असर है और दो बड़े फिल्मों  "महाबली" और "बजरंगी भाईजान" के बीच  फिल्म" "मसान" को प्रदर्शित किया गया है ! फिर भी दर्शक मसान देख रहे हैं लेकिन उम्मीद है धीरे-धीरे इस फिल्म मसान को देखने जाने वाले दर्शकों की सख्या बढ़ेगी !    

बजरंगी भाईजान, फिल्मिस्तान , वीर-ज़ारा हाल के दिनों में कुछ अच्छी फ़िल्में हैं जो भारत-पाक की जनता की धड़कते दिल को एक खूबसूरत उचाई पर ले जाता है ! 

Film“Bajarangi Bhaijaan” :-why Babu Bajrangi reduced to a villain in real world 

Bollywood  makes awesome movie sometimes that scintillates the neurons of audiences across the globe. Salman Khan’s released film “ Bajarangi Bhaijaan” is a cross-cultural film and is a great showcase of love of people of two countries. The echoing and chiseled voice of six year old innocent and cute  dumb girl Shaheeda ( Munni) on the rocky and flowing river path of the border of India and Pakistan fills the aromatic air of affection, egalitarian and better world of two countries . The people of Pakistan and India defy the border and allow the protagonist Bajrangi Bhaijaan to go to his country.

“Mamu, mamu” begins enchanting the people across the fence of two countries.This fence lies in Kashmir Valley that has been bone of contention of two nations since their inception and bombarding and human loss across the boundary has wounded the humanism but  keep making governments on both sides by paraphrasing the Nationalism to whip up the religious identity to the level of fanaticism.

 The voice “ Mamu, Mamu” is a cinematic voice metaphor that says of no to boundary between them, love must flow instead of concocted hatred. “Mamu, Mamu” suggests both the government of two nations to destroy the wall of hatred as their boundary.

Bajrangi Bhaijaan is a religious Hindu, believing in Hindu rituals. He is vegan but he and his love-heart Kareena take Munni ( Shaheeda) to a hotel where they feed non-veg food. Bajrangi comes to know of her belongings to Pakistan but he does not find Passport and Visa. His painful and empathetic concern is to send Munni to Pakistan and he believes an agent in New Delhi and provides huge money to take the child Munni to Pakistan but agent reaches the brothel to see the baby.  Bajrangi does not care of his life and he brings back the baby Munny and decides to go to Pakistan to give Munni to her parents and he reaches with a lot of hurdles, leaving all sorts of religious prejudices aside and finds that the common people of Pakistan help him with great surprise and delight. His religious prejudices starts periling into a great humanism and that is the rich  culture of India : GANGA-YAMUNA TAHZZEB – a composite culture of India that has been emerging for hundreds of years.
Audiences must have churned as to   why Babu Bajrangi reduced to a villain in our real world .

Salman has stunned in performing his character. He looks different from his previous films in which Salman Khan looks a superman but Bajrangi Bhaijaan is seemingly a common man who struggles to reach Pakistan with the help of Pakistan and comes back to India with their help only. Pakistan’s unsuccessful journalist Chand Nawab, gentry and even the military defy the order of a crooked the higher authority’s official order. This is the real ethos of people of two countries that were one before 1947.

Such a film must be made more to educate the politicians of the country. In 2014, a film “ Filmistan” was released in India in less number of theatres with no publicity but it has registered its impression on the neurons of audience. This film defies all religious prejudices and concocted political impasses and shows love and affection of villagers of the border area of Pakistan towards India and Indian Cinema.


Sunday, July 26, 2015

The film “Bahubali: The Beginning” showcases the history in its beauty and cruelty.

About Film

Satya Prakash's POV.

The film “Bahubali: The Beginning” showcases the history in its beauty and cruelty.

Structuralism and content both influence to each other and they make a complete cinematic art together. The South Indian film “ Bahubali: The beginning” is a great combination of structure and content that has made the film great and awesome aesthetically.

The beauty of the film is a natural landscape of jungle, its huts, mountains and continuous fall of water and beyond this heighted mountain, there is a grand fortified monarchy that offers stunning beautiful young woman warrior to the handsome protagonist who has been curious to see something startling thing. A beautiful mask fascinates him too much to go beyond the mountain because this mask has fallen to him from the mountain. Behind this mask, he finds a catchy, chiseled and slender girl who attracts him as his first love.

The story has romance, action and human characters like king and affair of his kingdom who belong to a monarch that has conflicts from the coronation of present king who has connived to get the power of kingdom that has tacitly been waiting for an upright dethroned real king of throne, who is unknowingly living in the downhill in midst of the ancient kingdom called MAHISHMATI. The unbiased and queen Shivagami flees with the protagonist child, flowing in streaming water from the mountain.

This growing boy called Shiva loves the girl Avantika, the warrior girl and adopts her mission to save the mother of Mahabali , who has been imprisoned in the kingdom by the present king Bhallal Dev who is reigning the kingdom ruthlessly by killing his king brother Amrendra Bahubali. Shivagami drowns into river, lifting the would-be BAHUBALI(King of Mahishmati) in her hand, pointing towards the crest of mountain. Shiva fights against his kingdom and saves his mother.

Before the fade-out of the film, the director S.S. Rajamauli  has given strong hint for its second part that will provide a clear revelation of the film.

Story of the film “ Bahubali: The beginning” hovers around ancient plot of Indian history that has got magnificent cinematic treatment with its mega digital showcasing that fascinates the audiences. Script spreads into its characters and grand palatial set up above the heightened , curvilinear mountain. The huge set up of arms and armoury, horse-ridden-war-chariots, lavish and colorful costumes as well as ferocious devilish costumes and arms of opponent troops hold the breathe of audiences.

The film has appeared with a simple story of a monarch that is not so extraordinary but the director’s skill of playing the monarch story with its heavy, vast locations and props make the film outstanding and awesome. The huge props like arms and armors have special attention during shooting and that is museum. Museum has been erected to place all the props for each character of the film so that film may not suffer from any sort of impasse that gives the flaws in continuity.    

The protagonist Prabhas has superbly excelled in romancing with heroine Tamannah and in action .The heroine is superbly skilled in war-affair. Rana Daggubatti ‘s huge personality has been made more huge ,using low camera angle and his fight with ferocious animal. Anushka Shetty has been shackled with heavy chain .She is the mother of protagonist. Her eyes have sense of vendetta  against the present king who killed her king husband.

The name of a warrior character  Kattapa  bizarrely sounds but it is full of power..

Comparison has begun. The first film of South India that has been made at par with the level of Hollywood, creates soothing hope and enthusiasm. The film has made handsome and fastest making of Rs.500 Crores of film club among Indian Films. The investors will gather the courage to invest their capitals in such mega budget films.
The superb skill of technicians and entrepreneurship of filmmakers of South India can be seen through the film that is lacking in Bollywood Films.
The director Mr. S. Rajamauli has been famous for making such mega budgeted films before. Film "Magadheera" is such his mega hit film based upon historical monarchy that comes to the modern age in surprising way of dealing and relating the present birth of protagonist characters to the past. It was national awarded movie too.
 The VFX team of "Jorasic World" has been crafting the set and motion of animate and inanimate characters of this film " Bahubali: The Beginning". So same feel of technology can be observed.
The great historical fiction “MUGAL-E- AZAM” is the great school of Indian Cinema that was made in 1960. This film took long ten years to complete but each take and composition are meticulously and cinematically beautiful. The film was re-released in color print.This film has romantic song sequence that has only colour film.
The director S.S. Rajamauli has proved before and now too with his released mega historical film “ Bahubali: The beginning”.  

Thursday, July 23, 2015

About Film

Satya Prakash's POV

Film "Badlapur" : : A film of remorse & repentance

The film " Badlapur" has been crafted well because of its screen play despite of its common revenge story that seemingly derives from any episodic story of TV Serial " Savdhan India" .The film has been made on a very very traditional revenge story that has thousands of films in various languages of the world. And it is a simple affair of personality who loses his family, kiths and kins , particularly the lover and wife. The young man of the film played by Bollywood's new young hero Varun Dhawan transforms himmself from a simple loving husband into ferocious avenger.
The film has , but, charming element at content and screen play levels that make the film provoking the audiences in theatre. That is repentance and regret of villainous character reposed in actor Nawazuddin Siddique who has chiselled his acting ability far ahead of Protagonist Varun Dhavan. Huma Quresishi has excelled in her character.
Varun Dhavan retaliates the persons till fade-out of film without remorse. One can see the exchange of characters in this film.The antagonist anatomically changes to a good man in his life with a lot of regret and remorse, imparting Samaritan work of crafting chairs in the jail and he dies. 

Director Sriram Raghvan has made an ordinary average story an outstanding by crafting a brilliant screen play. 
Director Sriram Raghwan has made a moving movie.

फिल्म " बदलापुर" : : दुःख और पश्चाताप की फिल्म
मामूली- सी प्रतीत होती प्रतिशोध की कहानी एक रचनात्मक और सकारात्मक विशेषता की वजह से बेहतर हो जाती है ! वरना कहानी टीवी धारावाहिक " सावधान इंडिया " की कहानी है ! अपने किये अपराध के प्रति दुःख और पश्चाताप किरदार को महान बना देता है ! इस फिल्म में नवाज़ुद्दीन सिद्दीकी का अभिनय उसके किरदार में उभर कर यूँ सामने आता है मानो फिल्म का नायक वही है !
फिल्म " बदलापुर" को बहुत ही खूबसूरत ढंग से बनाया गया है
इस फिल्म के बारें में मेरी राय पहले से बेहतर हुई!
नायक वरुण धवन फिल्म के अंत तक बिना किसी चिंता या पीड़ा के बदला लेता रहता है ! हुमा कुरैशी ने अपने किरदार को शानदार निभाया है !
निर्देशक श्रीराम राघवन एक प्रतिशोध की कहानी को सिनेमा के परदे पर बड़ी सहजता से लाते हैं और यही एक निर्देशक की क्षमता होती है !

Monday, July 20, 2015

About Film
Satya Prakash's POV
 "Birdman" is a film of melodrama & bohemian aesthetic.  

The film “Birdman” will stun you all with its long shot and astonishing drama that reveals a cinematic idiom “ Larger than life” .This film takes its protagonist  Riggon Thomson from scratch to the success of height where a bird can fly only.

Theatre world and reviewers have dumped this man to the state of no-existence seconded by his young daughter Sam. But his madness and killing attitude of making a magical film that will grip the audiences. The shattered and botched world of protagonist haunts him too during making the play. He comes out from it with peace and meditation and sometimes with exhibition of anger. However, he overcomes these all and he becomes a bird at last and starts flying. This can be said that this is a complete shift from a personal identity of actor to the identity of character of play. Such a moment creates " ART".

I salute the director Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu who has given a film of melodrama and a Bohemian aesthetic of theatrics. The audiences are cheering this film across the world.
The film “Birdman” can be compared to the film “Black Swan” where a protagonist dancer performs herself as Swan.

Seduction of fame and prestige to make this film has taken it to the Academy Award. This film has grabbed four Oscars in 2014.

The film suggests artists of all forms of art to create their art with highest degree of devotion and passion that requires madness of ultimate patience and suffering. 
Top of Form

About Film

Satya Prakash's POV 

Film " NH10" shivers the audiences but with anger & empathy.
After long time I had seen an standing ovation with clapping on high note for the climax of the film " NH10".This applause was so silent that has left the entire hall attended by packed audiences in chilling stunning over the factual position of woman in India and particular in Haryana where the ratio of girls is dismal in compared to that of man. Film is hovering around honour killing and whole heinous , horrendous and homicide activities of a married young girl and the young husband of Anushka Sharma on National Highway 10. The Anushka's husband dared to intervene in cold blooded murder of the girl by her own brothers and relatives.

We speak of feudal reminiscence in human persona of Indian society but this film shows the real mirror of feudal India. Hariyana is passing through such bad shape when Christian Church has been vandalised by saffron goons. The nationalist leaders  dictates the girl's school apron and "how they ( girls) will live in society." So the woman is non-entity and she must be used as commodity in the era of digital India.The film educates the mass to empathize the throbbing affectionate of heart of woman who has contributed her position in various relations in human world.

The patriarchal domination  makes the society so fossilized that drives the human-being without emotion. It stuns when this fossilized patriarchal force becomes the hounor of the society and the woman herself follows and provides her strong affirmation to this rotten custom of honour. Film exposes this heinous nudity of honour of male-dominated society. 

I salute such film makers who strike on redundant feudal structure of Indian society. Political class has aggravated the crisis of society but the film makers are fighting against heinous crime.
Few of friends and critiques have few criticism and one of them is excess of horrifying violence that envelopes the audiences with mayhem and trembling fear from fade-in to fade-out.
The lopsided development of India has such barbarous society and film "NH10" has been successful to portray it with its ingredients. 
I salute Anushka's intense character who comes out from the fear cocoon to ferocious fighter against unjust world that throws the audiences into the world of speechless and restlessness to ponder over horrendous world of male anarchism.
Director Navdeep has splendidly oozed out its creative effort to each shot composition.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

About Film

Satya Prakash's POV

Cinema : voice of pluralistic society , must be protected.
( In context of appointment of Mr.Gajendra Chauhan as director of FTII, Pune)

Art and culture must evolve from within the very structure of any society. If the society is multicultural, multi-linguistic,  multi-ethnic , the art, literature and cinema are always excelling and spectacular. The inherent strength of art and culture lies in society only.

India is a country of multicultural, multi-religious, multi-linguistic and that's why, art, culture and cinema of India is of various tastes and that is the beauty of aesthetic sense of people of India and it shows how Indians are so unified in the nature of diversity and pluralistic but this beautiful garden of various flowers is being crushed to the highest degree of denigration of art and culture in case of various educational institutes,Film Academic Institution . As a result, great menace  is being made before the huge democratic and secular people of India.

Cinema is at peril. What sort of Cinema should be made, will be given signal by nationalist saffron Film Censor Board that has begun making obstacle for Filmmakers who manage money from financiers at various terms and conditions and make film but they face wrath of Censor Board.

Cinema and its educational institutes like FTII, Pune is at peril  because of an actor who has been installed as director who is incompetent and has not qualified enough by degree or by cherished experience.    And he is none other than Mr.Gajendra Chauhan who was made a mythological character of Yudhishthir of Epic text " MAHABHARAT". After that he acted in filthy and botched C-grade movies like " KHULI KHILDKI"etc. Gajendra Chauhan can not represent Indian Cinema abroad because of juandiced nationalist approach of observing Art and Culture.He can not showcase of Indian Cinema in any film institute and cannot face brilliant interaction in the discussion on art and culture particularly on film. Such a person cannot educationally inspire the students of FTII and that's why brouhaha  against Chauhan is going on. The protest of students , actors, technicians and their film makers has been countered by various saffron leaders of present nationalist and rightist Government of India

RSS ( A Right wing Hindu outfit) has supported Government's decision of making Gajendra Director of FTII ( film and Telivision Institute of India),Pune by dubbing the protest as " The protest of Hinduism" because Mr.Gajendra Chauhan had acted as mythological character of Yodhishthir in TV Serial "Mahabharat".
A new idiom of simile is being manufactured by RSS that the persons who oppose Gajendra Chauhan, oppose Hindu religion.".It's a ridiculous statement delivered by ruling saffron family that has wrongly compared his FTII Director with an epic character. This simile produces a series of ethical, moral and enquiring questions about "The King of Religion" or Yudhishthir, the eldest brother of "Pandva". Yudhishthir represents feudal monarchy and he and his another four younger brothers have one famous wife " Draupadi". That means, Draupadi is having five husbands and keeps satisfying cupidity of five men routine wise. What will this woman be dubbed ? Answer is very simple "SLAVE". This is a heinous prejudice worldview against woman.

 This spells out a question about Saffron family's idealism about Yudhisther who keeps losing villages after villages, states, precious property, nation and at last, he loses his wife in gambling .
Can betting wife in gambling be termed as the highest degree of moral ethics designed by Yudhishther, ignoring resistance

Thursday, July 16, 2015

The movie "Hunterrr" : Adulto-comic film
The " HUNTERRR" is an adult movie that has attracted the audiences at the Box Office.       I was reluctant to see this movie before because of raised phallus under the coverof bed sheet and talk of it in bed. But one of my friends forced  me to watch this movie. I made myself emboldened and watched this movie at PVR, Andheri,Mumbai.Film scintillates the neurons about its non-linear scree play.The protagonist's peeping attitude into the girl's life take him into " you-ere-there" method from present time.

The movie hovers around a man who has been curiosity about sex, adultery, woman since his school days along with two more friends. One of the guys becomes Vasu that means, he flirts and enjoys with various girls and goes ahead for next girl.
The guy gets fed up with this all and wants to marry a girl who wants to settle with someone in trust.The girl was in relation with someone and got impregnated but the would-be-spouse did not want.She aborted.This makes her confused about the selection of her man and she finds Vasu.
The protagonist wants to say all to his beloved with whom he gets married. Both converge to a point of union and they get married.
Radhika Apte has done marvelous act. Director Harvarshdhan Kulkarni has made adulto-comic movie with awesome screen play.
This film " Hunterrr" does not match the American romantic film " CASANOVA" directed by Lasse Hallstrom who made a biographical film on Italian controversial and infamous romantic young guy in 2005.
The Indian Cinema has such a bold content hovering around the real adult problem at this juncture of political set up of country, creates euphoria.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

About Film
Satya Prakash's POV

Is not banning of Cinema against  human endeavor & progress ?

Doctor Chandraprakash Dwivedi 's directed film " MOHALLA ASSI" has completely  been censored from releasing. The language of the film is a bone of contention between Censor Board and Film Maker. The film based upon a famous Hindi Novel" Kashi ka Assi" hovers around a bank of Ganges ,named Assi. Professor Kashinath Singh is a great novelist and story writer and he has used local languages and few words of abuse that keep ASSI very active.

Film "Mohalla Assi" has been shelved because it exposes expanding materialism among  religious activists who thrive on such religious practice that bizarrely fascinates foreigners girls and boys who get victim of so called spiritualism that involves them into world of grass and  so called yoga that manifests various styles of cupidity with girls from foreign country.  

Freedom of expression of art and cinema is being reduced to such a ban on the release of the film " Mohalla Assi" by Censor Board of India, raises a series of questions on the present government 's intention to control artist's manifestation.

The director doctor Chandraprakash Dwivedi  has been  an awesome actor-director irrespective of his political thought I disagree. He made a national awarded movie " PINJAR" based upon novel "PINJAR" authored by late Amrita Pritam who was satisfied with the directorial craft of director. Dr. Chandra Prakash Dwevedi  brilliantly worked as director and actor Chanakya in famous TV show" Chankya".

I am ,therefore, confident that Dr.Dwivedi must have directed the film so brilliantly. The prejudice and grumpiness towards Art and Cinema because of certain right wing ideology  is not good enough for the educational, inventive  and arty progression of India. The ban of a film because of filthy allegation of the local language used in the film cannot be a healthy step of Censor Board.

The film has great actors like Sunny Deol, Sakshi Tanwar, Mukesh Tiwari and other brilliant actors of India and abroad.

Censor Board headed by man  and Pune Film Institute headed by director from right wing ideology patronized by BJP have raised eyebrows and frowns of artists and that's why students have been agitating and they are having a meet with I & B Minister at New Delhi on 3rd of July 2015.

One's idea, one's art and manifestations in various forms of arts cannot be controlled . This is against human endearing effort of art and aesthetic.